Friday 6 December 2013

Not just another writing service


Online businesses need written content. Successful businesses have great content! Not everyone is a writer- no shame in that; if they were, I would be out of a job!
You need content and you want it to be great, right? You have to find a writing company that produces the kind of content that you want to represent you and your business. Don’t get ripped off by some hack writing service that churns out keyword stuffed crap that no one ever reads. You need a professional to blend SEO with readability and that’s where I come in.
Online content creation is an art. It takes experience to know what people will read and what they will just skim over to get to the good stuff. I have that experience and I will provide you with well researched, informative and engaging content that won’t embarrass you with the trite and useless filler that’s pasted all over the web.
Nota Verbum is NOT a large, impersonal writing company. You will know what you are getting and who is writing it. I will work with you directly to ensure your satisfaction.
Of course you can fill your website with the same old useless drivel but then the people browsing won’t stay and if they don’t stay, you can’t tell them or sell them a single thing!
Nota Verbum content will:
  • use SEO strategies.
  • be well written.
  • have professional formatting.
  • be proofread.
But most importantly,
every page will be interesting and useful for your readers.


  • ebooks
  • reports
  • articles
  • blogs
  • newsletters
  • editorial services
  • copywriting
  • proofreading
  • recipes
  • ghostwriting
The Guarantee: I will happily work with you to revise and rewrite until you are satisfied.  If we simply cannot reach that point, I will give you your money back.  It’s that simple.
(Founder & CEO)

Friday 29 November 2013

Search engine optimization is a highly competitive field. Because information on the internet is not only all inclusive, but also global, people want to get their web page noticed quickly. When a keyword comes up with over a million results, you do not want to be that millionth website. Black hat tactics are sometimes used in order to try to get the search engine to believe your website is higher in rank than it actually is. It’s also highly risky to use black hat tactics.


Because of the highly competitive nature of online search results, there are all forms of unscrupulous methods of trying to increase your ranking in the SEO world. Black hat tactics is the term used to refer to these forms of cheating.
One of the more popular methods of trying to trick the search engine is keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing might not sound so bad. In fact, theoretically it sounds like a pretty good idea. You use your key term as many times as possible on your website in order to make Google pay attention to your website and give you higher rankings. However, keyword stuffing causes inaccurate rankings and is very unethical. Keyword stuffing also sounds terrible when someone reads your text. More importantly, it is ineffective and Google will find this black hat method and penalize the website for it.

Hidden text is also a very common black hat method which should be avoided at all costs. This is similar to keyword stuffing in the sense that the keyword is being inserted onto the webpage as often as possible to trick the system into giving you a higher rating. However, instead of openly writing the keyword in the text, those who use the hidden text method wait until there is a break in the paragraph and then type the keyword in the same text color as the background screen in order to trick the system. Although the reader will not be able to pick up the keyword because it’s camouflaged, Google will be able to see it.


Not only are black hat methods unscrupulous, they will also do more harm than good. In fact, you can be assured if you use these unethical tactics to try to increase your ranking on a website Google will eventually find out and penalize you, possibly banning your webpage altogether. It is always important to stay clear of these and other black hat tactics at all costs.

Saturday 16 November 2013


There are many aspects to search engine optimization that people do not realize exist. The complex algorithms that go into ranking a search engine term are enough to confuse even the most skilled mathematician. Anytime a website is created the number one priority of the web master is to get a high ranking in the search results. With all knowledge possible through the World Wide Web, one search request can result in billions of results. The higher you rank, the more likely you are to be seen by potential customers.

Avoiding the Negative:

High ranking is extremely important because most people have short attention spans.The fact is: there are not very many people at all who will look past the first page, much less sit back and spend hours searching hundreds of thousands of search results in order to gather information. There is very little time for that in today’s world.

Due to the nature of search engine optimization, the competition for rank is very high. There are those who even succumb to the temptation to rely on unscrupulous methods in order to attempt an increase in their ranks. These methods, often referred to as black hat tactics, are not only very unethical they also eventually backfire causing the website to be penalized with low rankings or even banned from the search results pages.

Some of the key methods of black hat tactics include keyword stuffing and hidden text. Keyword stuffing is the most common black hat tactic whereby website owners will use the keyword numerous times on their webpage in order to try to trick the search engine into giving them a higher ranking. This method is almost always doomed to failure. 

Hidden text is another doomed to fail tactic in which the keyword is entered onto the webpage at breaks in paragraphs using the same color text as the background page which means that people reading your page will not see the text, however, the search engines will. In other words, you’re still keyword stuffing, but your text reads better.

The problem with most black hat tactics, especially keyword stuffing, is that the quality of the text is always the first to go. What could potentially be a high ranking web page on its own usually ends up sounding badly put together and grammatically incorrect when keywords are stuffed into the text. This is a quick way to lower the number of hits on your site because nothing is less appealing than a poorly worded webpage. Also, it will lower your rankings once Google finds out. In fact, using black hat tactics can get your webpage banned from the search engine results.


The best method to increase your website rankings is of course quality. By having a high quality website which is grammatically correct and full of accurate information from trusted reputable sources you increase the quality of your page and the drive to your site, which, in turn, increases your ranking in the SEO. Also, make sure that any links you have to your website are put on webpages which relate to your keyword topic and that you only have reputable and related links from others on your own webpage. This will also increase the quality of your website, increase the drive, and increase your SEO ranking.

Monday 11 November 2013


Theresa DeMario
If you have not yet begun emailing potential and current customers with updates on your products, services, and business in general, as well as for various marketing purposes, then you are missing out on an amazing opportunity. Even if you do not consider yourself to be technologically savvy, you owe it to yourself to give email marketing a try.
Nearly everyone has an email address. If you are out at a networking event or retail fair, then you can do more than get a few hours of exposure. Hand out business cards, but also take down names and email addresses, as well as some other information that people are willing to give to you.
I will do a few posts and a report on list building soon. For now, just remember to get everyones email address. The point is to just get started. Get some names and emails down and don't stop until you have a good sized list.

A Friendly Email
Once you have a decent sized list of email addresses on hand, the next step is to employ techniques in order to make a winning email campaign. Make sure that you are friendly yet professional. People want to feel like they are more than just one of your many potential customers.
Also, you will want to create a clear message which is quick to the point.

Getting Started
There are several other considerations which you will want to work through before you start your email marketing. Think about the style you will use, the target audience, if you will bring up sales directly in your emails or just leave a link to your website so that they can find out more on their own.
Although emails seem so simple, they can really make an impact if you come up with a great system for creating and sending them out to the right people. There are a number of providers that will make this easier for you, just shop around a little bit to get a feel for what's out there and what you need to get started.

Wednesday 30 October 2013


Founder & CEO:
Are you ready to begin getting  great results from an email marketing campaign?

Yeah? Then you need to learn how to be incredibly patient. Not just standing in the supermarket check-out line for twenty minutes patient, but the kind where are you are able to face some truly frustrating moments and come out like a champion in the end. You need to learn how to take the bad with the good when it comes to your interactions with potential customers who you have emailed.

There definitely will be some people who either do not take you seriously, do not understand your message, or decide that they would like to opt out of your email list. This is inevitable, but it does not have to be a bad thing. You must become used to dealing with setbacks in your marketing campaigns, no matter which medium you are using. However, the following are some reasons why you should not worry so much about the negative responses.


The first time I read this statement, it was (of course) Jon McCulloch who wrote it and I have to admit, it
was a pretty profound game changer for me.  It's a harsh outlook to have, but it is true. Those people who criticize your emails, probably do not get the point of them. If they do not give you positive feedback, they almost certainly will not purchase your products or services. So look past these types of responses (unless you think that there is something to them), and focus on those people who are interested in what you have to offer. 


It's true. There always will be people who seem foolish, and cannot understand the simplest of instructions or messages. Even if you strive to make your marketing message as simple as possible, you will get at least one person who has a difficult time getting to your website, or figuring out how to order from you.  They may even become frustrated by the fact that you are emailing them, when they have signed up to be on your email list, or maybe they cannot figure out how to unsubscribe from the list. 
If it is one or two people, it is a perfect opportunity to practice on your patience and display a little grace.  If it seems to happen a lot, it's probably your own damned fault and you need to take some more preventative measures next time.

Be prepared for some criticism from the recipients of your emails. This is the internet, after all and people here are more than comfortable writing a nastygram to complete strangers to vent all their frustrations.  You'll get bottled wrath and unholy snark  that originated with the inlaws, asshat bosses and all the disappointments a life can contain.

Whether they are staunch grammarNazi's, or are telling you that your technique is poor in general, try not to become discouraged or angry. This is part of having an online presence and running a business, and it usually does not mean that you are doing a bad job.

Just take it all in stride, respond to those individuals who genuinely have good advice or comments, and try to forget about all of the rest.